Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Approaching Randy Tex Cobb: getting the perfect image and walking away untouched

The John Greengo Photography Video Podcast is tomorrow, one of the topics we will be covering is my approach to capturing the right image. The way I approach most photography sessions is to connect with the subject and not let the mechanical aspect of the shot get in the way.

One session I recall with fondness was my shoot with a man who knocked out 13 straight opponents in the boxing ring: Randy Tex Cobb.

Randy broke the ice in the session when he turned to his brother and said in his Texas drawl, "I betcha Dave hasn't gone a round with anybody, Have ya Dave?" I told him that "I am a peace loving photographer, now sit over there and keep your chin down!" To which they both laughed.

It was a fun session. And I ended it by punching him in the stomach :)

You can catch more stories like this one on the John Greengo Photography Video Podcast tomorrow, March 17th at 3pm:


If you miss the show the podcast will be available on Itunes via free download in about a week:


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Movie Posters in the Making Pre Photoshop!

I was asked by John Greengo to be on his live video podcast show on March 17th. He asked me to furnish him with images that we can discuss on the show. While searching I came across some movie poster images that I took in the 80's.

Advertising for a movie (posters, magazine and newspaper ads) sometimes would be developed as much as a year after filming stops. If they need shots of the actors it was often quite difficult to get them back for a photo shoot...Many elements (including still shots from the movie) went into producing these posters. Sometimes I would shoot an elaborated setup (using the original costumes, props) just for an illustrator to copy from. Other times I would shoot bits and pieces to be retouched into the poster.

Here are a few samples of what I use to shoot in the pre photoshop era!!!

This is my assistant Victor who so kindly modeled pants to be used in the poster.

This model refused to come back after the 7th shoot. Apparently we had the rig setup the wrong way!!! Ouch...

This was for the "Running Man" campaign. No its not Schwarzenegger but it is a body builder. Even though the saw was fake, it still was heavy...